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RAH! Power Fitness Participant Registration Agreement

This Outdoor Fitness Program Agreement ("Agreement") is entered upon signing up for RAH! Power Fitness ("Effective Date"), between RAH! Power Fitness, hereinafter may be referred to as the "Provider," and the undersigned participant, hereinafter referred to as the "Participant."

●  Accountability Coach: Omar Barnhart will lead workouts during the following times:

○  Grace & Peace Church Tue. Thurs. and every other Friday @ 6am;

○  Mueller Lake Park North Field Mon., Tue., Thurs. @ 9:20am;

○  Northwest District Park every other Friday 9am;

○  Northwest District Park Tue. Thurs. @ 5:45pm

●  Accountability Coach: Tricia Jones will lead workouts during the following times:

○  Grace & Peace Church Mon. Wed. and every other Friday @ 6am;

○  Northwest District Park Mon. Wed. and every other Friday @ 9:00am;

○  Northwest District Park every Mon. Wed. @ 4:45pm;

The Participant's selection of an Accountability Coach will help ensure that they have the opportunity to regularly attend sessions with their chosen coach, enhancing their RAH! Power Fitness experience. The Participant may attend any of the locations listed above for their workouts no matter who the Coach is for that workout.

The Participant acknowledges their choice of an Accountability Coach and agrees to work closely with the chosen coach for the duration of their participation in the outdoor fitness program. This work may involve text communication, email communication, or other means of communication in order to provide the best support possible.


1. Cancellation Policy
The Participant understands and agrees to the following cancellation policy:

●  To cancel enrollment in RAH! Power Fitness, the Participant must provide written notice to their accountability coach at least seven (7) business days prior to the next scheduled monthly payment AND email stating they would like to cancel.

●  Failure to provide the required notice will result in a charge for the upcoming session.


2. General Liability Waiver for Bodily Injury
By signing this Agreement, the Participant acknowledges and agrees to the following:

●  I am 18 years of age or above, of sound mind, and fully competent mentally and physically to sign this document.

●  I hereby give my full informed consent to participate in RAH! Power Fitness workouts as operated by RAH! Power Fitness Coaches and staff or Substitute Coaches.

●  I also understand that if I am signing this release for my minor child, who is over 11 and will be a registered participant that I am consenting on their behalf to all of these terms and conditions and waivers of claims on their behalf.

●  I understand RAH! Power Fitness is not intended for any unregistered minor children, and if I bring any guests or children to RAH! Power Fitness workouts that I fully and voluntarily assume any risks associated with their presences as spectators during RAH! Power Fitness workouts, and that I am solely responsible for their supervision and safety.

●  Participation in RAH! Power Fitness workouts involve physical activities and carries inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of bodily injury and even death.

●  The Participant is responsible for assessing their own physical condition and ensuring that they are in suitable physical health to participate in the program.

●  The Participant voluntarily assumes all risks associated with participation in RAH! Power Fitness workouts.

● The Participant releases and holds harmless RAH! Power Fitness, its Coaches, employees, and agents from any and all claims, liabilities, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including but not limited to bodily injury and even death, that may be sustained during or as a result of participation in RAH! Power Fitness workouts.


3. Acknowledgment and Acceptance
By signing below, the Participant acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the Emergency Contact Information, Cancellation Policy, and General Liability Waiver for Bodily Injury.


4. Changes to Prices and Locations

The Participant acknowledges and agrees that RAH! Power Fitness reserves the right to make changes to the prices and locations of the outdoor fitness program at any time, at its sole discretion. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, adjustments in program fees, class schedules, or the choice of training locations. The Participant understands that these changes may be implemented without prior notice.

RAH! Power Fitness will make reasonable efforts to inform Participants of any significant changes, but it is the Participant's responsibility to regularly check for updates regarding program details, including pricing and locations, through RAH! Power Fitness’s official channels, such as the RAH! Power Fitness’s website, emails, or other communication methods.

By signing this Agreement, the Participant acknowledges and accepts that RAH! Power Fitness may modify prices and locations and agrees to abide by these modifications as part of their participation in the RAH! Power Fitness program.

This provision ensures that the Participant is aware of the potential for changes in prices and locations and accepts them as part of their participation in the program.
This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.


5. General Rules and Regulations for all Participants

RAH! Power Fitness in its sole discretion reserves the right to refuse to admit or request at any time that any participant(s) or participant’s guest to leave the premises if any of the following rules are violated without any prior notice to participant, and to update these rules. No participant shall be disruptive, disorderly, loud, harassing, or abusive. No solicitation by participants or guests is permitted in or around the RAH! Power Fitness location. No reckless use or abuse of the equipment will be allowed. Proper identification and proof of registration may be required by RAH! Power Fitness Coaches or staff.

After you've read the agreement, you can close this page and return to the sign-up form on the previous tab.

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